How can I make the most of Scribbr livestreams?

Get the most out of our Scribbr livestreams by keeping a few key tips in mind:

Tip #1. Check out our guide to writing an outstanding essay before your session

Our Knowledge Base covers every step of the essay writing process, and you’ll find our livestreams most helpful if you use these two resources together. For each livestream, we’ll highlight one or two helpful Knowledge Base articles as suggested advance reading.

Tip #2. Come with questions, and submit your drafts in advance

All Scribbr livestreams include plenty of question time, which is your chance to get individualized help. For “live review” sessions, you can also submit your topic or draft beforehand. We’ll choose a few submissions to review live during the session.

If you’re thinking about submitting a draft but are feeling anxious, don’t stress! Our coaches know that college essays often deal with vulnerable moments and personal topics. They always keep their recommendations positive and solution-focused. Even if revision is in your future, you’ll always leave feeling good about the process and proud of your hard work. Plus, we keep all submissions anonymous.

Tip #3. Feel free to lurk

Even if you don’t have a draft, an outline, or even a topic, feel free to join a session. You can learn a lot just by seeing how other students have approached their essays, and you’ll leave feeling inspired and excited about starting your own personal statement.

Tip #4. Pair our livestreams with our College Essay Editing & Coaching service

For the ultimate in essay writing help, follow up a livestream review with a full Scribbr edit of your admissions essay. Get your topic and outline checked during a livestream, and then make sure you’ve properly executed your plan and that your writing is flawless by having one of our experts do a full review.

Ready to join a livestream?

View the schedule and sign up!