What Does Eponymous Mean? | Definition & Examples

Eponymous is an adjective used to describe a person or thing after which something is named (such as an inventor, discoverer, creator, or founder). It can also be used to describe the thing itself that has been named after someone or something.

In literary contexts, “eponymous” is often used to describe works that have been named after their protagonist (e.g., Jane Eyre).

Examples: “Eponymous” in a sentence
The Victorian era includes the full reign of the eponymous Queen Victoria.

Edmund Halley was the first to calculate the orbit of the eponymous Halley’s comet.

Don Quixote is the eponymous hero of Miguel de Cervantes’s famous novel.

Led Zeppelin’s eponymous debut album is seen as a landmark in hard rock.

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Frequently asked questions

What are some synonyms of “eponymous”?

Some words that are synonyms or near synonyms of “eponymous” include:

  • Eponymic
  • Nominative
  • Self-titled
  • Self-named
  • Titular
What is an eponym?

“Eponym” is a noun used to refer to the person or thing after which something is named (e.g., the inventor Louis Braille). It can also be used to refer to the word or name itself (e.g., the writing system “braille”). It’s related to the adjectiveeponymous.”

How do I pronounce “eponymous”?

Eponymous” has four syllables. It’s pronounced with an emphasis on the second syllable: [i-pon-uh-muss].

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This Scribbr article

Ryan, E. (September 16, 2022). What Does Eponymous Mean? | Definition & Examples. Scribbr. Retrieved October 17, 2022, from https://www.scribbr.com/definitions/eponymous/

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Eoghan Ryan

Eoghan has a lot of experience with theses and dissertations at bachelor's, MA, and PhD level. He has taught university English courses, helping students to improve their research and writing.